Since this mass shooting didn't warrant a new thread, seemingly its non importance is appropriate here
i made it because.... a thread for all of the ones that people seemingly don’t even care about which is sad in itself
The second amendment isn’t going anywhere. It likely gets reinterpreted to be like it was prior to the Heller decision at some point and the idiocy of justices like Scalia is forgotten.
Having done absolutely no research on the NRA and having no I'mclue how their business model works, im going to say I don't know.
Several major manufacturers even subsidize a “free” one year membership with every purchase. The NRA uses those stats to inflate membership numbers. It’s nowhere remotely close to the grassroots organization it purports to be.
I think it’s an important distinction, though. A lot of people (sportsmen more so than LE), indirectly “support” the NRA without actually supporting it.
I was being unnecessarily catty, but the stats do suggest that a relatively small percentage of people own an overwhelming portion of the firearms in this country.
Definitely true. I think a smaller portion of that number than one would think are the Molon Labe, “black gun” enthusiasts the NRA so vehemently “defends.”
glad this one was prevented UPS worker planning mass shooting had 20,000 rounds of ammo and weapons cache, police say Tim Stelloh , NBC News•March 2, 2020 Authorities searching the California home of a UPS worker who threatened a mass shooting found body armor, tactical rifles and 20,000 rounds of ammunition, police said Monday. Thomas Andrews, 32, was arrested on suspicion of evading police, driving under the influence and several weapons violations, police in Sunnyvale said in a statement. Authorities said they received a report Sunday night that Andrews was planning a mass shooting at the UPS facility in the city of Sunnyvale, near San Jose. When officers tried to stop him three hours later, shortly after 11 p.m. PT, a pursuit on one of the state’s main thoroughfares, Highway 101, followed. After officers stopped Andrews, they searched his Sunnyvale apartment and found thousands of rounds of ammunition, high capacity magazines, five tactical rifles, a shotgun, three handguns, body armor and tactical backpacks with ammunition. Download the NBC News app for breaking news The backpacks were “staged” at the apartment’s front door, the statement said. Jail records show that Andrews is being held at the Santa Clara County Jail in lieu of $500,000 bail. It wasn’t clear if he has a lawyer. A UPS spokesman said the company was aware of the situation and is cooperating with authorities but declined to comment further.
Another ex NFL players killed 5 yesterday in S.C.
-Atlanta massage parlor -Colorado grocery store -Orange, CA -North Texas -SC NFL player -Bryan, TX Did I get all the mass shootings in the past few weeks? I'm sure I'm missing a few.
This country is so unbelievably screwed up in many ways but the refusal by a decent chunk of voters and almost all GOP politicians to support/institute even the most modest of measures to control guns has to be the top.
Missing the Texas one where the two brothers killed their entire family then themselves. One of the kids’ suicide note mentioned how dumb it was that his brother could get the guns so easily despite being involuntarily committed to a mental health facility in the past.
Yes, same high school I'm not sure if they've all been during the school day, 1 or 2 may have been after school hours
I think this one happened after hours at like 4. Is it a bad area for so many shootings to take place?
Yeah, it's in southeast Knoxville, one of the rougher areas I know of. And to clarify, these shootings have not all taken place on school ground, but have involved students of this high school. Still terrible either way