Local don't love it but it is cool to watch on TV. Tickets and traffic are so outrageous I didn't even try to go even with nice weather
How many laps do they have to run for it to be an actual race? Because I kind of got Bell and Larson outright tickets that need to make up for my Hamlin ticket getting robbed last week.
I bet it’s a nightmare for locals. Pretty sure the workers in Vegas were about to boycott over the F1 race earlier this year.
Harrison Burton is so fucking bad. He lisrt his ride this week but what a trainwreck he's been in that car
Heck almost the entire pre race show was talking about how weather was gunna be so much better today than last year
Just now tuning in. What happens if this is rained out? They can't keep downtown Chi shut down tomorrow can they?
When they announced that earlier, all I could think about was being one of the guys who has to coordinate all that shit getting broken down and either hauled out or moved out of the way by whatever time their deadline is in the morning Weather can't stop or slow them down I'm sure. Logistics of working stuff like construction, etc downtown in any town is a pain in the ass The scale of this is pretty unique and impressive though
Just think about those concrete walls Assuming the goal is to get them out of the way by whatever cutoff time is in the morning The track is over two miles long Quick Google assumption says they are in 10 foot long sections that weigh 2 tons each One semi can handle 40 tons. If you can even fit that many on one semi, that's, 20 per truck Over 2000 of them to make 4 miles of walls You are talking 100 trucks coordinated just for the concrete wall pieces Rolling 100 trucks through downtown Chicago is a hell of a challenge itself Let alone all the equipment needed to move and load those walls And that's not even talking about fences, bleachers, tire barricades Or even beginning to think about getting all those people and the teams out of the way Hell traffic on interstate 35 next to Texas motor speedway is a nightmare for 2 days after the race is over I'm glad I'm not on that logistics team
Street racing sucks for nascar. Enough real road race tracks to run instead of this 90 degree corner shit fest
The weekly rain delays are kind of sick though to give a break to do bedtime with the kids and not miss any action
My favorite was when they showed the boats and said something about there not being many tracks you can't watch the race from your boat Um yea there is its called watching on TV just like the only way anyone in a boat is seeing this race
the stupid timing and tires made nobody better than +500 to me. didn't think it would be this ridiculous though
I thought it was a pretty good race despite the weather and all of the cautions and cars going into the tires.