he's mine for sure. if you ask this to a fan and their top two isn't Richard and Gilbert in either order, they're just wrong and potentially not even a fan. I've got Mark Harris at #3 but unsure who I'd pick to finish out my Mount Rushmore.
Is Howard even listenable anymore? I’m in the car a lot less these days but from what I hear it’s awful now, probably haven’t listened to a live show in 5 years. I was always a bigger fan of Howard history on 101 tbf
show was on life-support when Artie did his swan song and the plug was pulled when Eric died. in the past 11 years if you took all the good content, it'd probably fill enough hours to be a few months or so worth of hours from prime Stern era. they probably had a 10-15% success rate from Eric's death until the pandemic and that number now is probably 2-3%. the hiring of Blitt and Wilding took it into full morning zoo territory and it has never recovered. there's been some good stuff like Brent's rise and downfall, the Sal and Richard lie detector, Brent and Memet's IQ test, etc. but by and large it's been almost entirely unlistenable for over a decade.
Fuck I don’t even know who Brent is lol. The name rings a bell but that’s it. That really is true that it was over once Eric died outside of some big guests Howard got
from Bubba's show. they hired him after Bubba went up in flames. he made it for awhile then it came out he and his wife were swingers (read: his wife fucks other dudes, Brent does nothing) and it was basically all downhill from there until they went to LA for a week or whatever and he came back and didn't survive the aftermath. his wife now fucks dudes on OF while he films because he's a cuck. all-time bozo staffer, tried to be Mr. Metalhead and Billy Badass and hey, we're cool and open as a couple and now he's just this sad cuck. Howard brought him in and he was the golden child for awhile. there's a definite point where he ceased being the apple of Howard's eye (not gonna spoil it for you but you'll know) and then the wheels came off. someone made a 30 hour archive, this will take you through all the major stuff in order. the very first one is just old Bubba footage but it's legendary. Brent gets demolished on Jack and has an enormous meltdown and Bubba just yells at him and calls him a pussy. there's actually 30 minutes to this from Bubba's show, it's probably still on YT and worth a listen.
Seems like a benjy-esque guy and I always hated benjy. Not that they did the same things just weirdos I found grating unlike, say, Richard or even KC. Maybe I’m wrong but isn’t benjy from SC? That always pissed me off and made no sense
he's the furthest thing from Benjy. he's a doofus but he's so full of himself at the start that listening to his downfall is immensely satisfying. I genuinely suggest listening to that saga, it's probably the best thing from the show in the last decade. all of it easily could have taken place during the Artie years, it's good stuff.
Yeah I’m the same way, don’t even turn it on anymore. From listening to every show for years until about 2014/15. Just lost interest
As was said earlier, the show was heading towards life support post-Artie and ETM did his best to carry it each die, once he died, he pretty much took the show with him.
Thats where I was. Than they really tried to Ronnie and that’s when I was out of it. The whole David Arquette saga was strange
I said it a few times but Ronnie was the last straw for me. When he became the focal point, I slowly tuned out. I have not listened in years. I was a daily listener from around 1998 to early Covid.
I always enjoyed Ronnie in doses and there are some legendary prank calls (especially pranking other NY hotheads) and clips of him, but yeah he practically came part of the studio crew at one point and that was way overboard. T-O-P-L-E-S-S
I've actually never seen the little webplayer before but yea, if you click on the icon that looks like a temple, it'll take you to the main archive.org page and give you options like a torrance or just a .zip of the mp3s. that's what archive.org is for. there's actually a lot of Stern content on there hidden around if you just search for it. used to be way more but fat Jason took it down. that's OK, the second the show is off the air Sirius will no longer have the employees to search this stuff out and people will be uploading like madmen. everyone's underground now on Discord and whatnot just biding their time.
yea but he finally fucked up too much and got booted out of the studio permanently so now he writes in the back office unless they're doing one of those segments where most of the back office staff comes in and gets on mic for discussions, kinda like a round table.
Was never really a need to have Benjy in the studio once instant messaging became a thing. Wasn’t like when Jackie was writing jokes on sticky notes and handing them to Howard.
no, normal-sized sheets of paper. back then he'd not only pass his jokes but take what Fred wrote, decide if it needed to go to Howard, and then pass that as well. one sheet per joke. that's why he got mocked for taking them home every day, just endless folders of one-off jokes that likely didn't even make sense anymore since they were written on the fly (hence Howard calling him the flying gag writer) by the time they got to Sirius they switched to a screen-view system where Benjy would write on a sheet of normal-sized paper as well, flip it face down over a camera embedded in the desk, and it'd pop up on a screen in Howard's FOV. but because of this system he could do it from anywhere, potentially even home, but being in studio was really important to Benjy so Howard granted this concession. it's also why during the years-long "Benjy is late" saga, Howard started to take this privilege away for a day when Benjy would come in late until ultimately he took it away entirely. the biggest joke was always how close Benjy lived (the closest of all staffers, like five blocks) and yet was consistently the one who came in the latest.
I've got the Benjy late saga, I need to find somewhere to toss it up. it's an incredibly rare saga (one person made it, never seen anyone even steal and re-upload it). if you hate Benjy, it's like 3 hours of him just getting walloped.
Not gonna complain about someone getting paid but Benjy getting paid well enough to live in Midtown Manhattan is definitely a sign of how much Howard generally needed him.
My favorite thing Is I have every ETM clip. It’s like 45+ hours. Haven’t listened in a long time, I got to start it over again
I forgot I knew how to extract audio from mp4s using VLC. there's no actual video to this saga, it was just uploaded as one to Youtube so you're not missing anything. 3.5 hours of Benjy bashing. vocaroo links stay up forever for the most part and there is a download button.
Just OTOH, but what are the show’s greatest Sirius moments? Not in any particular order and keep adding and I know I’m forgetting a lot and will add as more as I remember Artie laughing at High Pitch Mike at Disney Sal apology Sal thinking Howard was retiring Sal hypnotized ETM’s In Plain Sight demands ETM putting a hit out Richard getting waxed Sour Shoes driving Steve Langford insane Blue Iris prank call to that redneck lady Gary’s 1st pitch reaction America’s Next Wack Packer that Bigfoot won Who’s High Pitch? Anything Beet Mike Walker fart (I had to edit these multiple times because I’m crying laughing thinking of all of them lol)
if you guys remember the Todd Packer collection, there's basically people out there now doing this but in 100% complete form as Todd got most of the stuff but not all of it. I've got some incredibly rare, unique sagas. I'll try to upload some of them for you guys. no guarantees on what it'll be but I've got like 150 gigs of Stern stuff. I'll toss a list of some things I know I have, if you want it say so and I'll try to get some uploaded now and then: - 2006 football pool - Artie's Vegas pitching challenge (mostly the leadup and argument with John) - John vs Cabbie (challenge, leadup, and fight) - Booey pitch - Gary's book promotion - Ugly Meter app - Who is the rat? - Jon Hein blowjobs - Richard vs Jason - Ronnie vs JD - Jason vs DePace - Artie vs Dan the Song Parody Man - Langford vs DTSPM - Howard at casinos - Bubba/Hogan sex tape (from the POV of the Stern Show) - Scott pushup challenge - Janks vs Langford Some of these are 1-2 hours, others can be close to 10 full hours.
Bababooey first pitch was probably my peak listening time. I was downloading the show plus wrap up show everyday.
I really only started listening once he joined Sirius. The early days with him and Bubba on in the afternoons were peak for me.The Sour Shoes Steve Langford prank saga was probably the hardest I ever laughed from the show. I still randomly sing bits and pieces from it to myself. I imagine 90% of the content from that time period doesn't hold up well at all, lol.