Sark was 4-5 in year one. And was 5-4 every year after. He was what he was. Consistently average. The ceiling wasn’t there. Then he was 7-5 in two years at Southern Cal. There’s plenty of data points that show he should’ve done better at both stops.
If I am 30, and I watch college football, and I post about college football on the internet, am I a loser?
lol at cherry picking conference records. You're better than this. Once again, top 20 and #2 recruiting class in year 1 coming off probation with 44 scholarship players is not a failure. They literally had 44 scholarship players in their bowl game before he got there. And he took them to a top 20 finish his first year. And landed a #2 class. And you call that a failure. You're delusional.
From the outside it seems weird to fire Herman and bring in Sark, but I’m not a Texas booster with more money than I can spend and a limited time on this earth. So I don’t care. Whether Horns ever hookem again doesn’t matter to me. Good luck all the same.
I listed his non conference record as well not that it’s something anyone should stump on but you do you. Everyone agrees he’s a good recruiter, it’s his CEOing that people critique.
I know. Just saying UW was in much better shape when Peterson took over then when Sark took over. That's the point. He did a good job. So using Peterson's record vs Sark's record while ignoring the condition of the program when each came in is dumb. That's like saying Ryan Day is better than Meyer bc he had a better record than Meyer in his first 2 years. Day wouldn't be 20-1 if he took over a 0-13 OSU. He's 20-1 bc he took over a loaded program.
I understand that A&M is playing right now. Not watching. Haven't watched an A&M game since Cal derstroyed them 45-10 in the 2006 Holiday Bowl with Marshawn and DeSean
No one is debating that dbl. You are moving the goalposts just to tilt at windmills. You’ve been arguing on the internet for 20+ years, you should be better at it by now.
They have higher expectations than what he achieved. This is simple stuff. Better than the predecessor doesn’t mean shit. These are storied programs. Carroll and James set the bars for the modern era.
How much Udub football did you watch while Sark was the coach? How much of the knowledge that you have about him as a HC is from reading his Wiki page? As someone who watched him a lot I don’t think he will be a good head coach. Maybe his substance abuse issues were the main factor in him sucking. Maybe now that he has that under control he will be better. But, I just think he is not a good coach. We shall see.
I'm not moving anything. You've argued he didn't meet expectations at either place. I think your expectations are too high if you think at 34 years old taking a team from 0-12 to 9-4 in 5 years is a failure. I think your expectations are too high if you think a top 20 season with a #2 class in year 1 off serious probation sanctions is a failure. He did a good job at both. Neither were a failure.
So anything less than Carroll isn't meeting expectations? Again, your expectations are too high. USC is going to fire their coach every 5 years if that's the bar to meet.
He was 34 years old taking over an 0-12 program. It takes a few years to build a program up from that. It doesn't happen in 1-2 seasons. Saban at Alabama is the outlier.
They aren’t my expectations, they are the expectations for those two schools. 4-5 to 5-4 to 5-4 to 5-4 to 5-4. That’s not good enough for UW. Their fans wanted him gone, opposing fans wanted him to sign extensions every year. The entire conference got excited when he went to Southern Cal and were sad that they let him go. His teams never had the ceiling that worried anyone. Not to mention they literally had the easiest OOC schedule of any P5 team during his stretch (trust me, it was a big talking point at the time) but you keep stumping on it.
No. Carroll had Saban-esque success at Southern Cal. That can’t be repeated. But if you aren’t winning at least 10 games a year you are going to disappoint the fan base there. Their expectations are higher than UW’s.
Sarkisian was at Alabama when Saban adopted the modern college offense. Obviously he was good at it, but speaking as UT fan, outsiders may question how much is the particular quality of the coordinator, and not the Saban/Alabama machine. I honestly don’t know why you care so much about Sark.
For those who didn't actually watch Sark as HC at UW or USC, doing well as OC under Saban seems to wipe away any blemishes on Sark's resume, even when those blemishes suggest that he won't live up to the expectations that will be placed on him as HC at fucking TEXAS
Better than 5-4 is not delusional for UW, better than 7-5 is not delusional for Southern Cal. You are so out of your element here. Stop
Kiffin modernized the Bama offense. It's not really about Sark. I don't have sreimg feelings about him, really. My original comment was about how out of control expectations are for coaches in cfb. Sark is being used as an example. Teams are firing solid coaches every 5 years for another guy that's going to probably get about the same results. Eberyone wants the next Saban or Dabo and those are extremely rare.
Right, that was my point. Anything less than Urban, Saban, or Dabo level success will be seen as not meeting expectations. That's insane.
Those are their full conference records. 20-16 and 7-5. If you want to stump on the OOC games in that timeframe I’m hear to laugh. They were historically awful.
Very few coaches, if they're willing to let go of a career .711 HC who was .640 at UT. It's just really funny that Texas just paid $24M to downgrade their HC from somebody who might actually grow into the role (and showed HC success elsewhere) to somebody who, based on his previous HC stints, shows even less potential of doing so.
Okay. I get that. I don’t have particularly strong feelings about firing Pruitt. UT clearly fired Fulmer too early. Kiffin told Tajh Boyd and Bryce Petty to fuck off. Didn’t get a QB, then USC missed on their top 8 and got Kiffin. We haven’t recovered. People on this website seem to think Fulmer is wanting to take over, but Fulmer is the only reason we haven’t fired Pruitt. He thinks he deserves another year.
And anything less than Mack Brown will be seen as a failure to you. That's the issue. Your expectations of a coach to be as good as the best in the program history is delusional.
so I assume you watched none and all your knowledge comes from his Wiki page. From what I saw I don’t think he is a good HC. Obviously we will see.
Because Sark is currently his favorite team’s OC! Which makes it all the more funny that he’s lecturing The Banks about how he doesn’t like Sark because he coached for a rival, when banks is literally sticking up for what his rival’s stature should be. For the record, I don’t think it would be all that difficult to look like a competent OC under Carroll and Saban; you get the absolute shiniest toys to play with. And it usually comes with a lights out defense to pair with it.
I’m glad we can all agree that college football is a very stupid and bad sport that nobody should watch