Uvalde, TX School Shooting

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by $P1, May 24, 2022.

  1. B-Boy $P1

    B-Boy $P1 Ball-knower, Poster, Trusted Agent
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    Seems like the tweet below is mistaken, but leaving it here since others may have seen it

    #1 B-Boy $P1, May 24, 2022
    Last edited: May 24, 2022
  2. ButchCassidy

    ButchCassidy Well-Known Member
    Ohio State BuckeyesColumbus CrewUnited States Men's National Soccer TeamSneakers

    CNN still reporting 2, but I would imagine local news has better sources.

  3. beeds7

    beeds7 Bitch, it's Saturday
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishSt. Louis CardinalsSt. Louis Blues

    Come the fuck on!!!
    BellottiBold likes this.
  4. Tiffin

    Tiffin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Alabama Crimson TideLos Angeles LakersNew Orleans SaintsGrateful DeadToolAEW

    Pretty cool country we've got here.
    prerecordedlive and BellottiBold like this.
  5. fuckthestateoftx

    fuckthestateoftx ruthkanda forever
    Texas RangersDallas Stars

    I don’t think 14 were killed. I think that’s how many were injured. Still absolutely terrible.

    BellottiBold and $P1 like this.
  6. B-Boy $P1

    B-Boy $P1 Ball-knower, Poster, Trusted Agent
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    Yeah hopefully that's just a fuck-up
    LeonardWashington likes this.
  7. The Goat

    The Goat Well-Known Member
    Arizona CardinalsPhoenix SunsArizona WildcatsArizona DiamondbacksLeeds United

    Reading the words active shooter and elementary school makes me sick. I fucking hate guns.
  8. (Z)

    (Z) Well-Known Member
    Alabama Crimson TideBoston Red Sox

    Disgusting and heartbreaking.
  9. BlazingRebel

    BlazingRebel Dog Crew Founder Migraine Connoisseur
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    Sandy Hook should have changed this god damn country, but it has only gotten worse.
  10. fuckthestateoftx

    fuckthestateoftx ruthkanda forever
    Texas RangersDallas Stars

    This is their representative

  11. zeberdee

    zeberdee wheel snipe celly boys
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    I'm seeing suspect in custody so not sure about them being included in the death toll either.
  12. Jean-Ralphio

    Jean-Ralphio A real toe-tapper
    Michigan WolverinesUtah JazzGreen Bay PackersArsenal

  13. El Tiburon

    El Tiburon Well-Known Member
    Florida Gators

    Ron DeSantis issues an executive order requiring Florida teachers to immediately start carrying guns in 3….2….1…..
  14. BlazingRebel

    BlazingRebel Dog Crew Founder Migraine Connoisseur
    Alabama Crimson TideUSA RugbyAtlanta BravesWashington CapitalsBaltimore Ravens

    The person should get the the beginning of Robocop treatment on live tv
  15. Super Vegeta

    Super Vegeta I'm starting to feel like I'm entering my slut era
    South Carolina GamecocksCarolina Panthers

    Unfortunately our elected leaders have decided that paying for “muh gun rights” with the blood of children is perfectly fine. Nothing will ever change.
  16. laxjoe

    laxjoe Well-Known Member
    San Diego State AztecsSan Diego Padres

    Fuck this shit
  17. ButchCassidy

    ButchCassidy Well-Known Member
    Ohio State BuckeyesColumbus CrewUnited States Men's National Soccer TeamSneakers

    Literally nothing changed after Sandy Hook. In fact, there's been more laws passed FOR guns rather than against. We're never coming back from this.

    States are now making it legal to carry concealed without having any training. Makes zero sense.
  18. fuckthestateoftx

    fuckthestateoftx ruthkanda forever
    Texas RangersDallas Stars

    Everyone should harass the fuck out of this guy

  19. Upton^2

    Upton^2 blocked just a park away, but I can't really say
    Clemson TigersAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsCarolina PanthersArsenal

    At what point can these ghouls be arrested for accessory to murder
    BrentTray, Tman12, Jigga and 21 others like this.
  20. Irush

    Irush Well-Known Member
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    Another big win for the second amendment I see
    Daniel Ocean and ~ taylor ~ like this.
  21. ButchCassidy

    ButchCassidy Well-Known Member
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    Don't worry, the RWNJ will post their T&P and bible verses, and everything will be ok!
    ~ taylor ~ likes this.
  22. fuckthestateoftx

    fuckthestateoftx ruthkanda forever
    Texas RangersDallas Stars

  23. CaneKnight

    CaneKnight FSU Private Board's Fav Poster

    The indescribable level of rage. What the fuck did we do to deserve to live in this hell? What crimes did we commit? Fucking why man
  24. Super Vegeta

    Super Vegeta I'm starting to feel like I'm entering my slut era
    South Carolina GamecocksCarolina Panthers

    Sandy Hook was definitely the make or break point in gun control. If a bunch of dead 5-6 year olds didn’t get guns under control then nothing will. Every single tragedy will be compared to that by gun nuts and it will be similar to how some people will only consider actual nazis as racists.
  25. Redav

    Redav mostly cows and rocks

    Lets get some gun nuts in here and have them answer for this
  26. Irush

    Irush Well-Known Member
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    they’re too busy getting on Facebook and telling people not to make this “political”
  27. BudKilmer

    BudKilmer Well-Known Member
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    This piece of shit country can go to hell
  28. jokewood

    jokewood Biff Poggi superfan

    Sandy Hook was white kids. Uvalde is brown kids. No one will care.
  29. Bruce Wayne

    Bruce Wayne Billionaire Playboy
    Michigan Wolverines

    Only civilized country where this shit happens
  30. LuPoor

    LuPoor Heaven has forsaken the masturbator
    Tulsa Golden HurricaneGeorgia BulldogsOklahoma City ThunderTottenham Hotspur

    80% Hispanic town. Some other great replacement freak, I would guess
  31. BudKilmer

    BudKilmer Well-Known Member
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    I was at an elementary school today watching field day. The thought of an active shooter there fucks me up pretty bad tbh
  32. beeds7

    beeds7 Bitch, it's Saturday
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishSt. Louis CardinalsSt. Louis Blues

    The reply from one of my oldest friends…

    But Chicago
  33. NilesIrish

    NilesIrish Not a master fisher but I know bait when I see it
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    Fucking fuck man.
  34. DeToxRox

    DeToxRox Retired College Football Fan
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  35. fuckthestateoftx

    fuckthestateoftx ruthkanda forever
    Texas RangersDallas Stars

    god damnit
  36. BrentTray

    BrentTray I’m thinking Dorsia.
    Nebraska CornhuskersKansas City RoyalsKansas City ChiefsBig 8 ConferenceNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    This country can’t be saved. Kids being murdered in school would make a normal society act, but we are run by a minority that has a inferiority complex and has to ego stroke with weapons of war.
  37. Emma

    Emma to sit with elders of the gentle race
    Wisconsin BadgersMilwaukee Brewers altMilwaukee BucksGreen Bay Packers

    VaxRule likes this.
  38. ned's head

    ned's head Well-Known Member

  39. BrentTray

    BrentTray I’m thinking Dorsia.
    Nebraska CornhuskersKansas City RoyalsKansas City ChiefsBig 8 ConferenceNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    Wheel this sack of shit off a cliff pls
  40. You

    You Gold Jacket, green jacket, who gives a shit. Ogre.

    From what I’ve heard, the suspect in question killed a family member, tried to get away. Crashed their truck near Robb elementary and then ran in.
  41. beeds7

    beeds7 Bitch, it's Saturday
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishSt. Louis CardinalsSt. Louis Blues

  42. CaneKnight

    CaneKnight FSU Private Board's Fav Poster

    A minority that wants these kids dead because they’re Hispanic
    Daniel Ocean likes this.
  43. Corch

    Corch Cup o coffee in the big time
    Ohio State BuckeyesDenver NuggetsCleveland CavaliersCleveland Guardians

    Nothing could be done to prevent this
  44. Super Vegeta

    Super Vegeta I'm starting to feel like I'm entering my slut era
    South Carolina GamecocksCarolina Panthers

    15 people. 14 children. For nothing.
  45. DeToxRox

    DeToxRox Retired College Football Fan
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    Make the school uniform in Texas a fetus costume so we can save some of these kids.
  46. ashy larry

    ashy larry the egg bar is coveted as fuck
    South Carolina GamecocksAtlanta BravesWu-tang

    civilized doing a lot of heavy lifting here
  47. laxjoe

    laxjoe Well-Known Member
    San Diego State AztecsSan Diego Padres

    So 15 total?
    Beeds07 likes this.
  48. laxjoe

    laxjoe Well-Known Member
    San Diego State AztecsSan Diego Padres

    “Pro life”