Congrats. You don't know how big of a kick to my already mutilated nuts it was to get my sample back and still have millions of viable sperm
Just submitted all my stuff to get this done. Been putting it off for months, no real reason just lazy. Looking at May
Procedure scheduled for March 16th, right in time for the NCAA Tournament Looks like we're stopping at four boys.
Thanks for this tip. I bought these after seeing this post and they were fantastic. Today is Day 11 and am feeling 90-95% back to normal, so they did their job those first few days.
Got snipped this morning. Local numbing only. Took ~30 minutes. Only about ten seconds of pain/discomfort the whole time. The anxiety was way worse than the actual procedure for anyone reading this and considering it. Waiting on the soreness to kick in once the numbness wears off. If the recovery goes as easily as the procedure I should have done this years ago. Now I get to kick back for 48 hours of baseball.
Was hoping for a pic of the sparkling semen that was pulled from an arctic spring, but I guess that works as well
I'm about 17 days post-op and most of the pain and swelling has gone away. My left testicle is still much larger than my right one. Curious as to when that'll start getting back to normal.
I honestly don't remember. I just recall my left one being hurt more and more swollen. They all ached for a while and super sensitive.
That sucks. I recently got it done as well and I had next to zero swelling on either side. It took about a full 14 days to feel completely normal, but it's cumming sir.
That's crazy because my nuts swelled up so large for a few days that it was extremely inconvenient to have them hang between my legs. I felt like Randy from South Park where he bounces around on his giant nutsack.
Yeah, I didn't have anything like that but was pretty vigilant with the icing/not doing shit those first handful of days.
I'm sorry you could only afford to have your procedure done in Mexico and are facing complications due to the subcare. I had a great doctor here in the States!,+fl&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS915US915&oq=no+needle+no+scalpel+vasectomy+orlando,+fl&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRhA0gEINjQ4NmowajSoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 That's what I googled for my area and found a great doctor (ended up driving 2.5 hours from my house)
They actually said gas would be more of an up charge than the IV with insurance. I’ll have to call back and ask. It was a lot of information all at once