I’ve played a couple of games in the last 6 months at most. Watch a ton especially the recaps. This Shopify team looks legit. RTZ seems to finally have found a balance between farming and fighting. They look good.
i don't think this is shocking given its prevalence and lack of regulation but pretty wild that a tier 1 org is getting wrapped up in this
Been watching highlights/recaps from this current elite tournament. Really, really like the “get 3 wins before 3 losses” setup Swiss style to qualify from groups.
how are people liking the crawl thing? i thought it was pretty cool even as a turbo-only player where i'm getting fewer tokens and leaving things up to chance. i'm liking the comic and am eager for the new hero(es). relatedly, i'm winning a ton right now on a bunch of different heroes. +12 wins over the last week.
I like it but i feel like it’s lowered the quality of my solo pubs. Not quite as bad as the old cavern crawl tho
do you play turbo or regular? i almost feel like it's made my turbo games better because there are slightly fewer people spamming the same op heroes and are instead searching for tokens.
I played a couple of turbo games last week. It feels like a much better cavern crawl. Haven’t gotten to do much, and this week we were on vacation all week traveling
patch coming today, people are saying its going to be massive and potentially a re-work of every hero where all heroes get a passive ability
just played against the shaman mega-snake and it's so fucking funny. it's hard to target and does like 1k/attack or something crazy like that.
Go into demo mode with warlock, give yourself 6 hearts and drop an ult. lol. gyro copter with force boots and max move speed can go >1300 ms
Been watching a few games and have played a bit the last few days. Don't think I'd played in 6 or 7 years, so many new heroes, items, map is huge. Spamming Necro for my Calibration, of course.
ive been playing turbo and just hit an absolutely disgusting manta dodge that led to a blown teamfight and colossal throw from the enemy. They threw 40k gold and 60k xp lead lmao.
decided to start playing ranked again. 5 straight losses where i max out in the game in kills, damage, tower damage and farm. 6k behavior score might as well be permanent low priority. The games are fundamentally unplayable.
Were you away from the game because you were serving your sentence for January 6th related activities?
i was ancient 2 when I stopped playing and I’m going to calibrate into guardian because I can’t will my team to victory
Carry veno first item aghs while self applying plague wards is free mmr right now fyi. Does insane damage. Waga has some YT videos on it rn. It’s disgusting in turbo even as a support. tinker healing facet support is OP rn as well.
I played dota 1 for ten years or so. I guess I didn’t realize turbo was even a thing in dota 2 somehow. Maybe I’ll try to get back into it and try it out. Thanks a lot!
veno anything in my turbo games is an auto-report imo. i hate these tick-tick-tick damage heroes that don't do shit when even supports are high levels with dispel items. feels like people just pick veno to play a lazy game and ward some areas (which is what i do when i play veno). haven't seen the new build, though.