people do evil shit all the time. People do fucked up shit all the time. Doing evil fucked up this doesn’t mean you’re mentally ill. Rape is evil. Child molestation is evil. I wouldn’t call someone who does either of those things “mentally ill”. Just because we can’t fathom doing something doesn’t mean we should be so quick to label it a “mental illness issue”. This in no way means I believe we do enough to help people with mental health problems. We need to do more for people who suffer but that’s not what happens when mental illness is used as a scapegoat in situations like these.
It's scary that mental illness can drive some people to do some terrible things. Some being the key word. It's also scary that some people are just fucking evil and know exactly what they are doing and what the consequences might be.
Addendum. Neither of those groups should have easy access to weapons of war. Because nobody should. Full stop.
I wish I kept the study but I once read that the vast majority of people suffering from mental disorders are more likely to be victims of violence and not the perpetrators.
As a white male I agree. Let me think for a sec... oh yes, there was a trans shooter in Nashville and a poc father and son team in DC. um well, I'm sure there are many many many more
I have no idea of the topography under the Maine coast, but I know many times of people going into the water just a mile or two off the shore. And even with exact GPS location of where they went in, their bodies were never recovered Knowing that, a well planning muderer might be smart to leave clues that point to jumping on a boat
Maine’s coastline is the longest in the contiguous US. There’s an insane amount of inlets, elevation changes, etc.
If he was actually able to get his boat down the Androscoggin and into the mid coast it’s all broken up coast line with a shit ton of forests and little inlets, definitely not easy to find someone
I don't think that's accurate?
saying that “people suffering from mental disorders are more likely to be victims of violence and not the perpetrators” doesn’t mean that people with serious mental illness aren’t at risk for violence. It’s generally accepted that major mental illness increases the likelihood of violence.
Situational anger and stress have a lot to do with it. My cousin's husband wasn't mentally ill when he murdered my aunt and uncle before eating his shotgun. He wanted to solve what he saw as a bad situation on his own terms
I’m not sure on mentally disabled but they clearly have a mental illness. They aren’t just crimes of passion. I think a lot of us are capable of it but don’t have our brains warped to such a degree that you’d do it. Profile of the people is largely young males (not the case here as a bit older, older mass murderers aren’t unique though). There are some videos with interviews of mass murderers. I must watch it again but not really feeling it atm with this guy still on the run.
I have no idea what you’re saying. I have no idea if you’re agreeing or disagreeing with my statement. like I said you have your opinion and I have mine. I don’t think we will change each others mind. I don’t think someone doing something evil or fucked up in and of itself means they are are mentally ill. It seems like you do. I don’t think anything I say will make you change your mind so I won’t try.
No idea why this doesn't get talked about more, I guess because people are stupid and view things in terms of "Good" or "Bad". So many murderers would have been classified as "Good" people prior to them murdering someone. It's almost like human beings are complex and emotional individuals that can be nice, humble and kind while also sometimes being violent and unstable.
This is why in these conversations "evil" does nothing for me. (I don't care about the value we want to assign to these acts.) There's no such thing as a serial killer who wasn't shaped by circumstance.
fwiw you said do “evil” or “fucked up things” we can imo describe and separate an act from an individual. But, while we can separate the act from the actor I also think that there are evil people on earth.
Thats why I will always say "that mass shooter was a 'Good Guy with a Gun' until the moment he murdered all those people"
He’s in the north woods and they are never going to find him. Either because he planned it out and stashed supplies there, or he’s going to die of exposure and the body will never be found.
Those islands are my zombie apocalypse fall back plan. Should probably update that plan now that I live on the opposite coast…
Well, it was interesting speculating while it lasted. Edit: how long before the MAGA crowd claims he’s still alive, living in the wilderness with Bigfoot?
I’m saying that 1) individuals with serious mental illness are more likely to be victimized than perpetrate violence. 2) individuals with serious mental illness are more likely to engage in violence than someone without mental illness.
Yeah, which is why I didn't get your post. The shooter probably didn't get shot by someone else in a boat; he would have committed suicide. Maybe you meant just "dead by gunfire in a boat." I'm not trying to be argumentative, I swear.