Observations this Labor Day from the beach: - Americas obesity is fantastic - There is a grown ass man practicing his handstands and my wife has yelled at me twice for staring and laughing.
He's talking about all the annoying TikTok and Instagram videos of people doing menial tasks. As in people actually setting up their phone to record themselves shopping.
Jogging by the lake in Chicago this summer, I saw a guy in a full Pikachu outfit practicing his nunchuck skills while blasting techno music, was quite the scene
that's what i always thought, but the subtitles in Dark Knight Rises says "you have another think coming" and now i feel like i've been taking crazy pills all my life
No so fast! https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/usage-another-think-coming-or-another-thing-coming
I will not be Twitter suit guy’ed by Tegg who is pushing a British agenda and eats beans for breakfast.
I recently started banking with Bank of America and just realized they refer to themselves as "bofa" in shorthand
I've never understood how people could drown in a lake, absent too much to drink or an accident. Took on an extra leg of a long swim to the boat today and figured it out about halfway through. It was like I was swimming in place
If you were a 5 star recruit coming out of high school and every school in the country offered you a comparable deal, where would you go?
The worst part of this corporate greed is restaurants getting rid of combo plates and going with this a la carte bullshit