If Loyola Marymount had a football program then it would easily be there. One of my former grad school friends went there and I visited it when I came out for his wedding. Just an incredible campus right near the beach.
Phones have come a long ways for taking photos of the sky. From the northern lights to just stars all you gotta do is hold still. The Big Dipper and the North Star (Alaska’s flag)
Also the North Star is nowhere near the brightest star in the sky but is easily found finding the right two stars of the big dipper then looking 4-5x out in a straight line from them.
Just called to check on my status for jury duty tomorrow and for the first time ever, my group was dismissed. What a feeling.
I had to wait in the waiting room for a day once. The other 10+ times I got dismissed the night before. I had a nice ten year run where they didn’t realize I had moved so I could just return the questionnaire with the “no longer a resident ID this country” box ticked.
Not pay for food or drink, they aren't v special TBH but since I already pay for it I might as well use it. I have Amex through Amex and United Club.
This reminds me I rescheduled mine from a couple months ago to the beginning of August. Totally forgot about it and didn’t go. I’m sure they have a warrant out for my arrest now
I’m currently eating a bagel and cantaloupe in the LAX outdoor area of the delta lounge Rest of the food looks terrible
Which relatively obscure but also massive band has been in more TV shows and movies? M83 or Cigarettes After Sex?
Last time I was in that club it was so crowded that I had to eat standing up. Plus Terminal A just got redone and is very nice. And yes, I just happen to have a photo of terminal A on my phone. Spoiler
Driving yesterday I was stuck behind this guy going 15mph (speed limit 30) for a few blocks. Came up on an intersection with a green light and the guy comes to a complete stop. I figure he might be lost but he wasn’t looking around. Just a dead stop sitting at a green light, so I honk my horn assuming he for some reason doesn’t know the light is green. Proceeds to turn around and start screaming at me while he crawls through the intersection at 5mph. I hate people.
I turn into a lunatic behind someone going below the speed limit. I don't know why. Prob because I hate being stuck in a car
Getting into a car with my dad driving is the worst. *Notices we're going 40 mph* "Speed limit is 55, dad."
if my kids had a dollar every time they heard their dad say "And why is this asshole going ____ miles under the speed limit?!?" they'd have lots of dollars