Last night at Auburn first Baptist, we held our annual "help a negro charity" event. It will come as a surprise to no one that many of the negros helped were spuat fans. There were not a good Auburn man among them. I have never been more proud of my school. WDE.
HOOPS Wiley and Purifoy suspended indefinitely... I need to vent so badly. How in the Flying F does bama skate on this. 24 hr investigation, nothing to see here, but force retirement on director of basketball relations. This is the reason they are winning at sports. they are so pampered and protected. I wish the other schools would have enough of it, and revolt. Beyond unfair to not only us, but every other school. Yes, I know we got caught with our hand in the cookie jar, and 2 of our guys are going to bite the bullet, cant argue that, and I know there are an unteen million other kids who have done this in the past, but ours got caught. Fair enough. However, how does bama skate on this? Their guy should be sitting also. The strength and condition coach gives HAHA money, and he has to pay it back. Our coach gives player money, he get arrested by FBI, and our guys never play CBB again. bama LT gets caught in a public park, at 2am, smoking out the charger, with a felon, and both have firearms, one that was reported stolen, and he plays, yet, Sean White smokes a dube after class, and kicked off team. that is BS. DJ fluker admits to taking money, huge article on Luther Davis funneling 45k to 5 different players. nothing happens. Laremy Tunsil takes money, ole miss goes on probation. LMFAO, well actually, I am not laughing at all, Im pissed as hell. I know that all the schools help these kids one way or another, and that's cool, but to be so biased in punishment for similar situations, is totally unfair to penalized schools. We sucking, is not Gus's Fault, not Pearl's fault, it is our AD's fault, SEC & NCAA fault, and of course players fault. Why this even surprises me or rustles my jimmies anymore, I just don't know....
DDWDE Silver Member Joined:Oct 7, 2017 Messages:18 Likes Received:28 ive got a very good friend (33 yr old, same age as me), who makes a ton of money (young money, not old money, he definitely has come from rags to riches), however he is constantly bragging about being a part of the REC (in fact Minkah Fitz was at his house during the Bama bye week, using his boat, and was at his house 3-4 times this summer down on 30a, along with many Bama volleyball players) he constantly brags about how good Bama is at cheating & he is very proud of it. He has admitted that he puts $ down on what he calls “his boys”. He usually is ahead of any story Jay G or BMatt reports on, so he has proven to me he has inside info on AU, even if it’s coming from his REC buddies. He told me tonight that the whole thing with Bruce is about an affair (possibly multiple affairs). It’s not about any NCAA/FBI investigation, and that its similar to the Bowden 93 situation and that he will indeed be fired soon. He also told me that Sexton was paid over $100k & that Bama has committed to turning the b-ball program into what Florida had a decade ago. Don’t flame me, just reporting what young $ REC is telling me.
Back Post New Thread Uber Warning BucktrotAll-American NewJust sitting here in a surgeon's lounge (I'm not a doc) watching the Today Show and there's a negative story about Uber. I used Uber on a trip to Orlando in mid-Oct and someone from Uber attempted to fraudulently charge my credit card several times with different amount$ but my credit card denied the charges because they were much higher than an average Uber charge. Impressive credit card company! So, if you use Uber, watch your credit card for fraudulent charges. It makes me mad that I have contacted Uber via email (you can't call them, I tried) and Uber has not responded and it's been over 30 days since my first contact. Looking forward to Uber's competition when it happens. Otherwise, I love the connivence and simplicity of the process but Uber is out of control, IMO.
Nah, just order them off Got the embroidered polos, quarter zip pullovers, koozies, everything.
I got the following email from my dad: Me: Where did this come from? Dad: Bunker. I believe it to be fairly accurate.
Wait, so big federal government led to Auburn's existence and small government wanted to demolish it huh?
Edit add on: I’m pretty sure I’ve met Big Tegg at a couple of tailgates before. I have also had the honor of getting drunk with wes tegg a few times. Too bad these were pre TMB.
It’s mostly people arguing that Auburn passes the eye ball test as much as Bama so they should be in if Alabama is.