Time to pad that lost like count, Dads! Tag someone you know who was in the old thread. Hank Scorpio marcus Artoo CocknBalls Celemo Clown Baby
My 7.5 month old is starting to walk behind her pushcart thing by herself. What am I getting myself into?
So the other night, the wife is putting the boy to bed and he starts hollering for Dadda, dada, dada. OK, I go in and give him a hug and kiss and he tells me night night and I love you. I walk back out smug thinking this is just the as good as it gets. Well, a few moments later, the boy comes bursting out of his room and running towards the bathroom with the wife right behind. Jumps on the potty and poops. Just when I think it doesn't get much better, it did. So proud of my little turd.
I was about to make this thread. One of my girls is sick today with a little fever. Couldn't send her to daycare but she's been in a great mood all morning. We got a doughnut treat then went to the plant nursey. Then we stopped by a little woodworking shop and bought a swing before swinging by toys r us. And finally we went to the drs office (negative for strep but has a sinus infection). Picked up antibiotics and pizza for lunch and now I pray she goes down for a nap.
Hello friends. My boy got sent to the office today for repeatedly using the word ass in the lunchroom.
The lil one has been waking up at 5 - 530 every morning this week. It could be worse, of course, but man that's a bad time- just long enough to not go back to bed...but early enough to make the day drag
#2 (a boy) comes in a month. Just transitioned our 1 yr old to a real bed to free up the crib. She has been less than pleased with her new sleeping arrangement.
2.5 yr old has just started to really get after his kazam bike. our driveway is on a bit of a slope and we live in a cul de sac. he took off yesterday, feet up, across the street, smoked the curb and went flying over the handlebars, face first into the neighbors yard. scraped chin, but said..."dont worry daddy, i'm superman" got up, and did it again
I was wondering why I couldnt find this thread anymore. ours will be 4 months old next week. she rolls around like a log on the floor now. its pretty entertaining to watch
My wife has gotten the baby bug for # 2 already (little one is 10 months). She knows we need to wait a little longer, but the though of those first few months- or having a new baby who doesn't sleep great terrifies me.
My wife is due with boy number two in July and my 5 year old is being super protective of her/watching out for her. Makes me a proud pop to see.
No trips to the office, but I did catch mine saying "what the hell are you doing" a couple times recently. He's 8 so its to be expected, but he's always been very adamant about "bad words" so I'm wondering where he picked it up. Probably the little fuckers he's around at school
Been about 9 months for us and nothing. It's a horrible feeling. Mini Boo happened like the first month.
Financially this month may be our one chance with insemination coupled with my wife's age. With our luck we'll have twins.
I am a father of four, and grandfather of three. There is no thread for the grandfathers of TMB, probably because we can't figure out how to start the goddam thing. I should get likes squared.