It’s silicone and folds up easy, not that big of a deal really. Much easier than dealing with piss soaked clothes.
Our 2.5 year old has had a great day on the potty. Has even gone a few times without us asking her if she needs to go. Even pooped! Here’s to hoping it sticks.
My 2.6ish year old also flipped the switch on potty training. Haven’t got too great about the poops yet, had a nice surprise for me when I was disrobing her for bath time.
The recovery post adenoid removal was no joke and had us seriously second guessing it good 2.5 weeks since seen a big improvement in bed time routine. Same stuff we’ve been doing for months but teeth, medicine, pjs, then milk+bluey is so much smoother than it’s ever been not seen improved overnight sleep yet, still gets out of bed 1-2 times and maybe a slight increase in eating better thus far. Hoping we keep trending to the good
Our daughter was great with a Gizmo in K and 1. Our son was terrible with it through 4th and we quit trying.
I’m such a fucking dad idiot. The first couple times this was mentioned itt I thought someone was saying “a gizmo” as in describing some generic do-dad device. Until you capitalized it I now realize the same of the thing is Gizmo
What weird thing did you do one night during bedtime that turned into routine forever. Every night my youngest has to “put big brother to bed” where we turn off his lights, and he pretends he goes to bed till he hears us go into little mans room.
My 4 year old had us playing rock paper scissors for like 3 months. And it wasnt actually playing, we would all just go around (my wife and me and him) saying the different things. So my son would say rock, wife paper, me scissors. Then mom start with rock and we go around and so on.
At this rate my 18 month old will be potty trained before my 3 year old...Such a struggle with him. We got a urinal type deal for him and it's been better but still absolutely refuses to shit in the toilet.
Problem: pregnant wife is irritable and well pregnant. 4 year old asks for snacks non stop throughout the day. Solution: I’d like to find some sort of self serve containers to put on the lower shelves of the pantry and let him start getting his own snacks. We’re talking cereal, goldfish, fruit snacks type things. Does anyone have a good container you’ve used for that purpose? Easy to open/close. Not breakable. Standard Tupperware seems like it’d be less than ideal. Should I just throw like a tacklebox or tool chest down there?
Our 3 year old doesn't have a problem getting in to tupperware unless it has a good suction on it. 18 month old just grabs the bags out of the baskets we have for either veggie straws, gold fish, fruit snacks, etc.
We use OXO pop containers and those work well but the question prompted me to see how much they cost for the first time and
Sheesh. Yeah that’s not cheap but the convenience seems solid. Kinda like infected donkey ’s addition of leaving baskets of assorted snacks like a hotel or AirBnB, but I really don’t trust him with packages yet. I wonder if I can still find those hotel continental breakfast cereal dispensers somewhere…
That sort of seems like a hassle for variety, unless you get a ton. And things like fruit snacks are already packaged. I'd probably just get a few baskets and package the veggie straws/goldfish/etc myself in snack bags
So my boy started pre-k 4yo at an actual elementary school this fall. I feel/felt kind of bad for him having to start going to an actual school at such a young age but so far it has been great. I have been the one dropping him off and picking him up as my wife now works for the school district and has to be at a different school. It has grown his and mine relationship in such a short time as now he has to rely on me more and looks forward to me picking him up. He also seems to be thriving both socially and from an activities/learning stand point. I can’t believe I attended my first PTA meeting this week and am considering joining The Dad’s Club. I have finally been domesticated at age 47.
Both of my kids are potty trained and never have accidents. But both had one this weekend just before getting on the toilet. I'm struck by the child brain's inclination to freeze and release a gallon of piss everywhere instead of either hitting the pause button or just sitting down
I think you can teach the 4 y/o to open up goldfish bags and stuff like that. it may take a few tries but they should be able to tear it and get it open. some packaging is easier for them than others but once they figure it out it is better for everyone. your next issue is them over indulging on the snacks and ruining their appetite for dinner, so if you figure out a solution to that please let everyone know.
We have a bunch of OXO stuff for snacks and such that we got from Costco...seems much cheaper. They have been very good for the kids.
Had parent orientation last night at kid1’s school. Halfway through the PowerPoint presentation, kid1 starts vomiting out her mango and pineapple afternoon snack. It’s a mess, all over her and the floor and in front of all the teachers and other parents — because we sat up front like nerds. Later when bathing kid2, she informs me she pooped in the bathtub. Took a look and yup there’s a turd just sitting there. My spirit already broken from earlier, I just barehand the fucker and toss it in the toilet. Fortunately kid3 found some mercy in his soul and kept his bodily fluids to himself. Today is a new day let’s go get it boys.
You trying to to tell me my son living off goldfish, fruit snacks, and Pringles isn't an appropriate dinner?
New to this thread and have a question on car seats. Baby is due in 7weeks and we are planning on getting a Doona. Did you guys also get a full size stroller at the same time?
We did. Donna is solid for travel and taking a baby into target where the floors are smooth. We had a pandemic baby so never really used it to it's full extent outside of plane travel. We got a trip wheel walker full sized with bike tires bc the hard plastic wheels kinda suck on walls. I got on of the walkers that can fit a car seat, but then convert to seat once they start sitting up.
I see a lot of parents use the doona for the quick walk from car to daycare/store etc. I have to imagine there’s gonna be a gap between when your kid outgrows the doona but can/needs to use a normal stroller, or when you need more space/storage than what the doona gives. FWIW we used a nuna car seat that had an adapter to latch into our stroller. Two of my kids outgrew that Nuna infant car seat in under a year.
Also you should buy that car seat soon homie just in case the kid comes early. You can’t leave the hospital without.
Just buy a Chicco Keyfit 30 and a shitty stroller that it goes into. The kid will outgrow it in a year, anyway. Or buy an adapter for the Bob/Uppa Baby. Just my experience from having 4 kids. Plus, at the time, the Chicco was one of the safest infant seats (and affordable).
We went baby jogger gt2/graco dlx infant seat and got the adapters. One hand close on the stroller + good wheels for outdoor walks. One hand handle adjust on the infant seat and it’s really easy to wash
best purchase i've ever made in my entire life was a revolving car seat. We have an Evenflo360 and it has done wonders for my back.
We got the Graco all in one car seat, bassinet option, stroller that they just pop in to. Then my wife wanted a different stroller when baby started sitting up, then I got a jogging stroller to take baby on runs. 3 Strollers for 1 baby #firsttimeparents #firstworldproblems
Think we went with the Graco Turn 2 me as I got a massive work discount of like 50% off at the time. Got one for each vehicle.
Some decent graco car seat with a full size baby jogger stroller with the attachments. We still use the stroller for Disney days and our youngest is 5. It doubles as a cart to just carry everything honestly. I didn’t know what a doona is but looks like one of those products that doesn’t really improve anything over the typical set up.
It was a long time ago so brands change but we got the big stroller fancy shit, used it for like the first 6 months then transitioned to a nicer umbrella type. Used that for a year and then just used the cheap ass small umbrellas from there on out.
My daughter is starting to potty train. After 6 years, I am starting to envision us being a diaperless home.
Still struggling with the 7 year old wiping her ass properly, definitely still dealing with shit stained underwear weekly. But yes, not dealing with a diaper pail was such a relief, I'd dry heave every time I had to empty it.
Definitely like the graco carrier and the ability to attach to strollers and all kinds of other graco stuff. Also got the 360 ones when #1 got older, and they are so much nicer.