Little tangent, but I think this is a big problem with the rural areas. In my town, the school is probably more white than that. Then people rarely leave. It's getting better, but I bet most of the olds that live here, have been here their entire life. Never went off to college. Never got to experience life outside this small town. You need to spend time with other ethnicities. Learn their culture. Get outside your little safe zone. /rant
My kids have (had) a great school right now. It’s split very evenly between ethnicities and income level and very reflective of our community. I’d move way out there if I wanted all white. No thanks on that. But also no thanks on the complete opposite direction.
Funny thing is I'm not in a rural community at all, suburb of a large (Alabama large that is RTR) city couple minute drive from downtown. Just a bunch of white flight.
According to Wikipedia, we are at 68% white while you are at 83%. No surprise someone from MAGA country would skew these stats.
That's pretty diverse. Seems to be pretty close to the nations make up. Here's some legacy white flight & segregation in Atlanta for everyone. My Son's elementary School The school on the other side of the train tracks
That's pretty good, I don't fault you for being a little concerned about the makeup of the new elementary school. Your kid likely will be fine if you make sure they're on top of things, but if the whole class is behind where your kid is at academic wise I'd obviously worry that their pace of learning new things would slow down. The other thing is that the new school's socio-economic makeup could change a bit given that I'm sure plenty of other kids from the existing elementary school would enroll there.
Both of my kids are already on accelerated paths for reading/math. Current school can support that, new school doesn’t seem like it will be able to.
I think a pregnant wife is enough to be invested in this thread but an official welcome to the club is deserved.
Damn, that really sucks. We spend the money to send our daughter to a private school that has a much smaller class size and is better for kids with adhd/slight autism spectrum issues. It's not super fancy as there's no waitlist to get in, I feel like I'm not harming the local community as much where I live as the elementary school is rated very well and I don't mind paying the taxes, but the number of students per class is huge. I don't want my daughter to stay there probably after at least one more year, but I understand that paying out of pocket for a school with better resources is for the privileged.
9/10 on great schools for elementary schools. having test scores and discipline by race/ethnicity on this site feels icky tho
Do yall ever smash your kids fruit snacks? I smashed a bunch of them last night at like 10PM. Wake up this morning and stumble into the kitchen at 5AM to get coffee and immediately: Wife: I see you ate like 4 of her fruit snacks. The wrappers were falling out of the trash when I opened it this morning.
Our 2.5 year old got moved up another room in daycare. She’s the smallest in her class now. Her speech has gotten better, but man her attitude sucks right now. Dunno if it’s just a stage, or it’s coming from the bigger kids.
Have a 2.5 year old. From what I can tell, at 2.5 years you can expect lots of melting down, screaming, crying, attitude, and what not. Mixed in with cuteness and loveability.
I know this is an old post, but we are dealing with the same thing. Our 11 week old only sleeps on us, day or night. If we put them in the crib or bassinet, its 30-45 minutes and they are up. We slept shifts at night to deal with it, but that was fucking terrible, so we decided to try co sleeping the past few weeks, which has been a little better, but Its not a habit I want to continue long term. I'm burnt out from never being able to put our kid down. I'm looking into trying sleep training, but everything I've read says you have to wait till 4 months for it to work. Did you end up trying sooner? I really don't want to continue with this for 5-6 more weeks.
I don’t remember exactly when, but they have finally started sleeping in their own bassinets. Problem now is they still wake up every 2-3 hours to eat. They’re 7 months now.
My five year old started asking this weekend how many days until Christmas and Halloween…gonna be a while, buddy.
No. My wife is anti-sleep training until like 8-9 months. lol Our first was such a great sleeper, spoiled by how she was.
My 3 year old went through a really rough patch going to bed in his crib so we thought it was time for a big kid bed. By the time the big bed got here he was back to doing fine in his crib. Now he is waking up anywhere from 1-4 getting out of his crib turning on all the lights in his room and playing till he passes out in the big bed under the covers. One of us used to get up put him back in his crib but now if my wife wakes up and sees it she just uses the app to turn off his big lights. I put a wifi camera in there as we recently got some new babysitters but I need to set it up to record motion during the night cause we really have no idea how long he is awake during the night. I'm sure sleep during vacation next month is going to be awesome.
Crazy how different kids can be. I have a coworker who had his first a month before me, and according to him, he has slept 7-7 since week 10, and 6 hour chunks independently since week 6. ours has never slept over 90 minutes independently.
My son (4) has gotten into the habit of coming into our room around 3-4am and sleeping the rest of the night. I initially fought it and tried to get him to stay in his room, but hav succumb to his demands to "snuggle" He goes to my wife's side of the bed b/c he knows she's soft. Last week I tried to get him to come to myside to not wake my wife, but he thought I was telling him no. He went and cried in his room b/c "You told me no". So every time since, he gets to our door with his blanket and pillow and army crawls cross the room to my wife's side so I don't see him. it's adorable. I'm sure he'll eventually grow out of it.....hopefully
My wife went out of town for 3 nights last weekend and I let my 7 year old stay up with me and watch football in bed until we both fell asleep. He was so excited and bragged to his little sister that he got to do that. I really enjoyed having a buddy to watch with too. I told a friend about it who has a 10 year old and he just said "wait til he gets fortnight and he will never want to do that again." This basically reinforced the idea that I am in no rush to get him any more into video games.
We don't let them start the night in bed with us but never see the harm in letting them crawl in in the middle of the night as long as it doesn't become a nightly thing. Two of mine did that around that age and they outgrew it.
I mainly don't want to have him overtake my room and we lose out on any privacy. Gave in pretty quickly, but pretty hard rule about starting off in his own room
My 6 year old plays CFB25 (Road to glory mode only with a runningback) and Switch Sports. Think I've said it before but his obsession with sports is insane. Every single day "what game is on tonight?". Last night he asked to put on an NBA game from last season. I said come on man it's football season so he put on the Raiders Ravens game from Sunday. If I gave him the option to pick anything on Netflix, Hulu, Disney + or the Browns vs Titans 9-12 OT loss from the 2017 winless season he's picking the Browns game.
lol yeah that's how my son is too. wants to flip between football and braves at all times. we have done a movie night every Friday with all the kids for the past 5 or so years. since they were tiny. and now he insists on going to the other room so I can put a game on. I can't deny him though it's a blast. everything I wanted when I found out I was having a boy.
I originally thought Geneva (because of your multiple houses) but now based on the diversity %, I'm going with Aurora. *Just realized this conversation is a week old. Its what i get for quote responding without scrolling to the bottom of the page first.