First time had the babysitter cancel, 20 minutes before. Fucking bummer. At least it was just dinner out and not some event.
Follow up here, "her grandpa died" which not to say that didn't happen but with the timing and her age I feel like that's the go to excuse to get out of things so I was a bit skeptical from the start. My wife follows her on social and she was at the Ritz that night with her girlfriend for dinner and then the beach the following day. I'm sure she just copes differently. She's awesome though and we had a great dinner out with the fam so no biggie.
Bug is going through the house. Twins puked at nearly the same time two nights ago. Then a couple more times. No puke today, but lots of diarrhea. Now toddler is puking. FUN!
My 16 month old (first child) has learned to get frustrated and throw tantrums. Usually a change of scenery has help or rotating toys but that doesn’t work anymore. Only thing that way to get her to snap out of it is the damn paci, but of course my wife doesn’t want her to rely on it or get what she wants. I’m sure this is just a phase…just annoying as Hell watching a toddler roll around and scream for 30 minutes. Any advice? Or is this just my life for the next 18-30 years
Someone once told me several years ago that everything is a phase. Good and bad. I think this applies. I wouldn’t worry about a kid that young soothing with a pacifier.
Easier said than done, but ignoring all the milestone and benchmark stuff has eliminated so much unnecessary stress/worry. Mom groupchats and Instagram/tiktok can be cursed places
Absolutely. Babies don’t develop in lockstep. If kid is making progress towards speaking and not lagging behind milestones across the board, I wouldn’t worry much, just keep working on it
I have no idea WTF a 5 word milestone is, but every kid develops at their own unique rate. Sure there are trends, which is probably where things like a 5 word milestone originate, but they don’t mean shit. Don’t stress about that stuff and just focus on fun and promoting curiosity. Also, if you or your spouse have a legit concern, by all means talk to your physician.
I agree with others that it's probably too early to worry about speech at 16 months. FWIW we had similar concerns with our daughter. She didn't say shit til she was right at 2 years old and we had speech therapists come over (this was during Covid) and listen to her talk. She waited til that day to start talking and never let up. She's 5 now and progressing well in kindergarten. If you ever have a concern, those therapists are usually covered by insurance and they will do a great job easing your anxieties and/or will help you get started with early intervention if there is something there. We had my now 7 year old screened for autism around 3 because he had a few ticks we were concerned about. The therapist said everything was fine and he wasn't on the spectrum. 2 years later we got an ADHD diagnosis. He's doing fine now but I'm glad we had him in early if anything to help our own anxieties and confidence with parenting.
100%. Always hardest with the first though. I remember our neighbor telling us the milestones from their doctor for their 3 year old checkup was riding a bike. The Mom was freaking out about it. Meanwhile this kid ate chicken nuggets for 95% of his diet.
I wouldn’t let my kid eat until he passed the 5 word milestone once he fell behind. I ain’t raising no runt.
Speaking milestones feel very arbitrary especially once you have 2 kids. Our second could barely form words and we stretched the idea of him knowing 50 by whenever they milestone was. But suddenly he starting forming full sentences seemingly overnight. He goes to an SLP to help with his actual speaking now but his vocabulary seems totally fine.
Agree on speech but at the same time I've had two friends tell me their kid was also delayed with speech because their frequent ear infections caused fluid build up in their ears that prevented them from hearing clearly. One has great language skills for his age but has a very noticeable lisp, he's been in speech therapy for a few years now.
Something like this happened with my nephew but he had a more serious issue that went misdiagnosed for awhile before they figured it out. The other unfortunate side effect is his little sister who is close in age seems to have gotten her speech pattern from listening and imitating him for years.
This was my youngest. He couldn't hear anything according to the doctor. Once he got tubes in he started jabber boxing. He just had his adenoids removed again and his tonsils out so hopefully that'll help with his lisp.
Eventually it just turns into using words you have to Google and random rap lyrics you’ve never heard. I spend most of my time with a dumb look on my face. And not just because I look dumb
Kid has finally mostly stopped biting at almost 22 months, but now he slaps the shit out of everything, particularly the dogs. Not sure if this is improvement or not. It hurts less than biting I guess.
Christmas coming up I'm trying to knock out as many gifts as I can during (early) black friday sales. Oldest one is ready for a new bike so that's his big gift. No clue what to get my 3.5 year old, he got a bike for 3rd birthday. Any ideas for a bigger gift at that age?
A little climbing playset could be fun for boys.
Good call, we definitely want some type of playset in the backyard. Have been trying to do that for about a year but never pull the trigger. I feel like everything is too big or small but I keep gravitating towards this one.
Travel games like en route? Rubberneckers is the GOAT car card game. Some cards could be tough for little ones but you could make sure they only get ones that are easy enough for them.
More like we're getting there and some time to kill at night or when we're taking a break from the beach
I think I just saw Red LIght Green Light was discontinued which is a fucking travesty. Looks like theres a ton on ebay though. It's definitely my favorite of those three cause there is some actual strategy involved.
amazon link is busted for some reason, but the game is 'taco vs burrito' uno attack is another one that our kids like a lot, but not so much for a car ride.
Have one collecting dust I think to try to match big bros bike I'm going to upgrade his scooter that's a hand me down older than he is.
we got my son one of those big hot wheels car garages when he was around that age. he continued to play with it so much that my now 2 year old loves it too. we have had it for 4 years now and it has always been a hit when friends come over. also a good place to store the hot wheels. it's also fucking huge and kids love big presents amazon link didn't take but if you google "HOT WHEELS CITY ULTIMATE GARAGE" it pops right up
Ooo that’s a good call. We have a big garage too and now my 5 year old wants a different one because they change the models. We have a dinosaur. He likes the new one with the dragon. anyway, big hot wheels things (tracks and garages) are good
That is sweet but I stumbled across these 50% off at walmart a few weeks ago that I stashed away so their hot wheels quota is done for this year. So far I'm killing it getting this shit done early/saving money.
Yes we like that our's is stationary and doesn't have a ton of parts that come off. all you have to do is tell the kid to stack all his cars on the track and you've got it cleaned up. as opposed to the smaller sets where they have to be put away and kept up with. those ultimately go to shit.
My 7 year old does hip hop dancing (yes it’s as funny/ridiculous as you think). There are TVs in the lobby to watch and let me tell you…the stacked mid 20s female dance teachers are a site to behold in their dance “clothing” doing dancing things.
My two year old has been big into blowing on tummies/backs etc to make farting noises and she almost tried to inflate my son like a balloon when he bent over in the shower.