My wife bought our 8 month old boy a helmet bc he keeps falling and hitting his head. I can't wait to see this thing.
Spent the day assembling this in an attempt to try to contain the chaos of a 4yo boy. He was beyond the moon excited when he got home and saw it. It has a cool little “hideout” behind the desk and wardrobe that I didn’t even know about, just empty space. He asked if he could put his beanbag there and use it as his calming station. I said sure little buddy.
I remember my boss at my previous job had a gift like this for his son on Christmas (I think roughly your kid's age now). He was telling me how he was having a great Christmas Eve night with some booze after doing a whole bunch of work during the day handling family and whatnot. His wife busted out this huge play set and said they needed to assemble it before the morning so it would be ready to go for the son, he said it basically ruined Christmas for him.
Serious, took all day long. Dropped off at school, started assembling. Picked him up from school and came home and assembled the doors and drawers. There were 1 million pieces. If I had to do that overnight on a last minute surprise from the wife I would do it, leave the house, and never return.
I can very much relate to the situation below with my 3 year old son. Not specifically trains...but, him just being dumbfounded that I don't have teenage mutant ninja turtles underwear or lights in my shoes like he does...
Why isn't my almost 2 yr old sleeping more than 4-5 hours at a fucking time. She's never been a sleeper and It's fucking exhausting at this point.
Mine had to be in a helmet because of head shape. She refused to sleep on any other side of her head. We flipped crib around, did tummy time, did rotations on head to try and even it out, but still had a massive flat spot that had to have the prosthetic helmet. So could be worse!
Yeah I know it's not uncommon for the helmets to help shape the head. This little dude just can't figure out how to get himself down, just free falls backwards. His twin sister has it figured out, tho she also occasionally has a head bonk.
Our 4 year old with special needs slept in his own room for the first time last night. You may recall he was on oxygen at night until this summer. It’s a huge milestone Spoiler for my wife.
Not quite El Tiburon status, but wtf? I just canceled a bunch of Amazon subscriptions to games that (I'm assuming) my kids had subscribed to through Alexa at some point over the last year. Had been unknowingly paying $65 per month in total since June. It looks like these were all ordered through Alexa since the apps aren't on my or my wife's phone. I'm reading the reviews of these games and it's all 1-star reviews complaining about how easy it was for their kids to unknowingly subscribe to these with monthly charges. They're pretty much all trivia related, so I'm assuming my kids asked Alexa a question, Alexa answered and then asked if they would like to subscribe to xyz to learn more and they unwittingly said yes. If you have Alexa in your house, you might want to take a peek at your Amazon subscriptions. I only caught it because I was going in to cancel a free trial for something else I had signed up for earlier this week.
Kid is almost two, so this will be his first "real" Christmas. Went and loaded up on some blowups while he was at my mom's today. He was all over them when we got home.
My youngest went to hug the grinch animatronic at home depot yesterday. I hit the “try me” button when he was inches away and scared the daylights out of him when it started dancing/singing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I have two boys (118 months and 93 months) that have moved into wrestling > pushing/shoving > physically fighting at least 50x per day. Looking forward to the next decade+ of this because it’s definitely cute and not absurdly obnoxious. It’s 9am, they’ve been awake for two hours, and we are on like iteration 5 of this dance already.
can anybody here co-sign those amazon tablets? my youngest wants a tablet but i don’t trust him to take care of an ipad all i’ve heard from the amazon shit is how durable they are also very slow and laggy
i’ve pitched this to my wife, but she doesn’t want to “waste a bunch of money if it’s gonna be tossed around” i can’t convince her that when this amazon thing is a brick in a year, we’re back to square one
We've got a Amazon one that's like 5 years old at least and it still turns on and still works about as slowly as it ever did
My 4 year old has one and loves it. No real issues, we've had it since Aug of last year. It's his 2nd one, they just came out with an updated version and we got the new one for his birthday
There are some serious good cases for iPads, I highly highly highly recommend that over the Amazon tablet that is dog shit slow. We bought the Amazon one and basically didn't use it after one month.
The processor for the new ones is significantly better. Still nothing compared to an iPad but much better than the previous iterations.
We don’t do any tablets at all. Turned my kids into little dickheads. They can still watch but it’s the TV hanging on the wall.
Yeah we got them for car rides but it gives one of my kids motion sickness so had to remove them for everyone. Having them around the house was a nuisance. They have been in a drawer for years now.
Took my girls to a trampoline park thing for the afternoon and they’re passed the fuck out at 630pm. Amazing.
Officially a dad of two under two now. My poor wife gave birth to a 10 pound 4 ounce and 23 inch baby today. Nurses had to weigh the baby twice to make sure it was right.