of course we understand what the graph is trying to display, but it is done in an absolutely moronic way
JJ went from top 5 hated guy in college basketball in history to one of the most likeable dude and the Russo guy is a racist POS
Blows my mind that the guy from the Mike and the Mad Dog radio on WFAN New York is on ESPN even as a kid hearing that dude in the car with my dad I knew he was fucking dumb
I'm just shaking my head that the multi-billion dollar behemoth that is ESPN runs this on their home page Spoiler Nandor the Relentless there's still hope
Wendi Nix is definitely in the running for worst sports show host of all time. I have no idea why they keep her on College Football Live.
Saw ESPN on Friday awhile I was at a bar and the Hesdline on the screen said “Can the Gators be Great?” As if that conversation still needed to be debated
Clown Baby particle from ESPN somewhere that was about “Why you Shouldn’t drop Derrick Henry from your fantasy team”
just goes to show competition doesn't actually exist under capitalism. they don't even try because they don't have to.
Not sure why ESPN went all-in with Ryan Clark. But the more he talks, the more I can’t stand anything that comes out of his mouth.
“Let’s go all in on a few voices” and giving that to people like greeny and Stephen A has basically meant I only watch ESPN for live games and nothing else. Even Mcafee I’m just not into although I get others are