Ha. No. I didn’t go to the tournament to see her, but once I was there I did want to at least say hello. We were only ever friends, so it wasn’t a weird thing.
Biggest, IDK, but an important miss. 2001 Doing lots of illegal things in college. Went to a football game doing said illegal substances before the game and during. Auburn was playing #1 ranked Florida. Mid way through the 3rd quarter we ran out. Decided to leave the game and return to the stash. #Auburn Tigers beat #1 #Florida Gators on a last second FG kick to win the game. The students rushed the field. I miss my one opportunity to do this. I did make up for it by visiting Gainsville in 2007 to witness another game winning FG over #4 Florida.
obviously not mine but do know a girl from a stereotypical Asian family whose parents forced her to break up with her serious college boyfriend because he wasn’t going to be a doctor or do anything noteworthy. That guy did a ton of the coding for Facebook and is now worth $23 billion
I was infatuated with this Canadian soccer player at our university, she was dating a southern frat boy. I somehow got into a situationship with said girl after she became single. Put the full court press on and she kept it purely FWB. I was sad and drunkingly got a bj from a freshman soccer player that she absolutely hated. Next morning, everyone knew, and I never spoke to the love of my life again.
this girl i was in love with said she wanted to come over to watch the royal wedding at like 3am and she did and i fell asleep on the bed in my dorm while she just watched the whole thing alone. that was an oopsies if we're all being honest here
Rushing the field in 01 was awesome. Hate that everyone rushes the field for anything nowadays Was in Gainesville in 07 also. Fuck Tim Tebow!
Sophomore year in college and I was lab partners with one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen to this day. We studied together some through the semester and flirted a little. Finally at finals we were studying in one of the study rooms and the building was getting ready to close and she said we should finish up studying at her place. I suggested the library since it was closer and open late for finals. She declined and I realized about half way into the solo walk home what I did.
First year playing flag football and I was only playing defense, pestered my coach enough and he gave me a shot to run a play as qb, I noticed that if you zig zag that people couldn’t pull your flags. I zigged and zagged and had a nice break away with and easy touchdown and the ball just fell out of my hand and was down at the 4 yard line. Never got to play offense again that year and I still think about it at times.
I got to play fullback for a bit (thank me for my service please), and I got the ball on the triple option dive once because linebackers were way overpursuing and never thought the incredibly unathletic FB would ever get the ball. So I headed up the middle completely untouched for about 30 or so yards (was probably actually like 10) but just had this horrible feeling something was terribly wrong because I had no idea what it was like to be running free and wild. Well there was something wrong and it was someone in the secondary catching right up to me and punching the ball straight out heading toward the goal line. But the worst fumble is that we didn't even have sex.
I was in the early stages of dating a girl in my first year out of undergrad. Went out to dinner, then hit up a Redbox so we could go back to my place to “watch a movie”. The night was going well, but as we were in my car leaving the Redbox machine (classily at a McDonald’s) I hit this big ass curb I hadn’t noticed and my car sensors start going off. Low tire pressure… oh no what did I do… I get out to look at my car and realized I popped a tire. Next, I realized I actually popped two tires and was stranded and unable to simply use my spare. I had to call a tow truck to come get my car and then had the pleasure of meeting her sister and brother in law that night as they were kind enough to pick up my embarrassed ass. i was actually able to salvage the relationship until it ran its course, but never lived that one down.
The pants story. It gets told every few years at family functions. Early 20’s and I had started going to the gym eveyday. I made great progress in weight loss and cardio but also in my confidence. There was a girl who I guess went to college in the city I lived in because I didn’t know her by face. And it’s not a huge town we see each other in the gym and I’d give the nod of acknowledgment and smile and she would wave and do the same. This went on for 3 months pretty much every single day. One spring afternoon I’m doing laundry and left my clothes in the washer for too long before putting them in the dryer and they had just a hint of that musty smell but i sniffed again after the dryer and they seemed fine. Slight smell, but nothing too noticeable. so the next day or so I’m feeling good, confident and thinking about starting a conversation with her while we’re on the treadmills just to gauge her interest and find out about her. I say my normal hello to her and she smiles and I get on machine next to her after stretching and start my run. A few minutes in, I started sweating like most of us husky folk do. But this time it was different. I guess the heat and the sweat had reawakened the must in my gym shorts because it was strong. It was probably stronger than before I dried them. I started to panic because if I can smell it, I’m almost positive she could and I didn’t want to be the stinky guy. But I had to finish my run. I see her glancing on at me once and twice and I just know she smells me. so I slow the treadmill down to a walk so I can say hey and tell her about the smell and how unlucky I was to not notice earlie. But I lost control of the situation fast. She looked at me again and then one of her earbuds out and before she could open her mouth I confidently say “ITS THE PANTS”. She looked at me bewildered so I just repeat what I said again and add a half-laugh, half scream that makes me look like an absolute psycho. She’s still just staring at me. I cut off the machine and head immediately for the exits. I had to change my gym times and everything. It was a bad scene man.
I was dating a girl a few years ago and she moved to Manhattan. We tried long dostance but it didn’t work out. She makes around $600k a year as at Merrill Lynch or one of those firms. Could have been a kept man, which is my dream.
600k in manhattan, though. You'd still probably be pulling some weight. Just trying to help you feel better about fucking up your life tremendously.
Not remotely a huge fumble, but also ended up wrestling w/ a girl during a study session and I didn't do anything. In hindsight, it was moronic. I had dated her a few years earlier when she was a freshman (college), but she was fairly young and inexperienced.... we had a class together a couple years later after she'd grown up a bit and that's when we decided to study together. I'm a dumb dumb.
Every night when I get home from work my wife pops out from a hiding place like Cato and attacks me. Then after we’ve wrestled, well, I’m a gentleman so I won’t say. It’s how we keep the romance alive.
Picturing posters wrestling with women and it not ending in sex is making me envision the same for other classic porn plots She's stuck in the dryer and someone just stepping over her to get to the next one She'll do anything to get out of that ticket, and he asks for a rare baseball card He actually just fixes the pipe and leaves
"Fumbled" two exes whose parents were worth well into the 8 figure range. One was a commodities trader in Chicago and the other was an executive at Deloitte. /coolstory
Who was the poster years and years ago who dated a prominent politician’s daughter but things went south?
I’ll go ahead and say it. It’s kinda good that DrTomOsbourne didnt automatically assume that girl was talking about sex. While we can all laugh about it now there are plenty of dudes that misread signals and well go very different dark route. So kudos Dr at least you can’t be accused of of unwanted sexual advances:
Had an Asian girl from some classes (last name was the same as a Cowboys linebacker who she claimed was a cousin) ask for a ride on my motorcycle one day after class. So she hops on, we go to lunch, she asks me to take her to her apartment. I did, went inside with her and chatted for a while. I dint remember exactly how or why I left, but I have thought about that one several times since and wondered how oblivious I looked
Kinda similar, was at the dog park after moving into a new apartment complex. Woman I would see regularly there asks if I wanna see the layout of her spacious 2BR and I declined for some reason. I’m assuming she wasn’t being sexual, but my friends were calling me dumb as hell.
Being overly deferrent to sexual safety and respecting women is both the correct answer and fodder for tremendous college football message board content
We had a poster talk about moving a dresser in front of a bedroom door so a woman could not get out. I’ll take a dumbass “kid” misreading signals and laughing about it over that any time.
mine was more of a self defense or preservation thing than anything else. Like I said we were young (me 13 her 16) so idk what she was thinking but I didn’t want to be labeled as a perv or anything. In retrospect I can say she was into me but at the moment I didn’t know and think if I’d tried anything and she shot me down my confidence would have been wrecked. She had enough people lusting over her so I undoubtedly made a lasting impression not being another simp.